Meet the customer service experts

Posted by darren
on July 11th, 2016

OK, right now you’re thinking, who are these so-called experts? Well the answer may surprise you … It’s your customers.

They’re the experts on customer service, because they’re serviced by companies every day. They know what works… and what doesn’t. So to make your business all it can be – don’t view your customers as part of the problem, ask them to be part of the solution.


Listen to the people

Almost one third of Australians have posted comments or reviews about products and services they have bought – so it’s important to take notice of what they’re saying.

When customers share their story, they’re not just sharing pain points. They’re actually teaching you how to make your product, service, and business better. Your customer service organisation should be designed to efficiently communicate those issues.”

– Kristin Smaby, “Being Human is Good Business”

Today is the perfect day to start listening to your customers. Click the link below to find out how.